by Feeling Great | Apr 12, 2023 | Mind, Spirit
Naturopath Mental Health Melbourne – Love Over Fear
There are really only 2 choices for every decision we make. We can do them out of love or out of fear.
When I came across this concept it was such an ahha moment for me.
When you really start to take notice of the emotion behind what is driving the choices in life it is really empowering.
by Feeling Great | Nov 7, 2016 | Body, Mind
Natural Energy Boosters – 7 Hacks To Turn Up Your Energy Without Caffeine, Sugar or Drugs

- Feeling blaaah?
- Energy up and down, craving junk food, coffee, coke, sugar, gooey cakes and biscuits?
- Dragging yourself through the week feeling meh! Can’t break out of the cycle.
- Need a stiff drink at the end of the day to take away the overwhelm?
- Perhaps you sort of know what you’re meant to be doing, but just can’t bring it all together?
There’s little or no scientific evidence that energy boosters like ginseng, guarana, and chromium picolinate actually work. – Harvard Medical School
You’re not alone. Here are 7 hacks for Natural Energy Boosters! Move out of meeh to magnificent.
by Feeling Great | Mar 20, 2016 | Mind

Unfortunately, toxic people alsodo what they can to woo us. Toxic people may use their faults or shortcomings as “bait” to win over others. You may not realize how deep you’ve gone into an unhealthy relationship until its toxic symptoms are getting in the way of normal behaviors or feelings. – Phsycology Today
Warning Signs of a Toxic Relationship, Is it possible that you or someone you know is in a toxic or emotionally abusive relationship?
Think about it.
It doesn’t necessarily have to be with an intimate partner.
You can be in a toxic relationship with anyone from a parent to a sister-in-law to a co-worker, but the warning signs are pretty much the same.
Here are ten Warning Signs of a Toxic Relationship:
by Feeling Great | Feb 5, 2016 | Mind, Spirit
How to Have More Fun in Your Life – 3 Ways To Reconnect To Fun In Your Life

Fun is far from a frivolous activity. It hooks you into magnificent qualities such as productivity, persistence, creativity, and flexibility.
How to Have More Fun in Your Life – People achieve great things when they are having fun doing them.
Fun is the path to a successful life, not a diversion.
“If it’s not fun, you’re not doing it right.” ~Bob Basso
Each of us has our own way of having fun – a “fun print,”unique to us.
by Feeling Great | Feb 5, 2016 | Mind, Spirit

Do you ever feel like every day is the same as the day before?
Tying ourselves down to a daily schedule that never changes can suck all the fun out of living.
Adding Fun To Your Day – So here are 30 ways of adding fun to your daily routine: