Naturopath Corowa – Who am I?
Naturopath in Corowa, mother, pharmacist, wife, body boarder, adventure seeker, comedian, camper, gardener….I’m Julie Smethurst and I’m really passionate about guiding people on their path to better health and well being.
Whilst I have a pharmacy background, I’m not interested in just administering you a pill! I love to offer clients comprehensive solutions that empower them to look after their own health on many levels – body, mind and spirit. My vision is to provide a holistic solution to your health problems, not a quick fix from a bottle.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not anti-mainstream medicine. There is definitely a place for it. I just prefer to help people holistically via natural means if possible; helping before the presenting symptoms turn into big problems that you can only now manage is key. Diagnosing people and helping them in the early stages of ‘unwell’ can reduce the impact on their long-term health, not to mention our Medicare system!
I deal in wellness, doctors deal with disease.

Why I Do What I Do?
After 10 stressful years of working long hours as a pharmacist juggling multiple jobs in my invincible twenties, I encountered my own health problems. I could hardly get out of bed each morning, constantly exhausted, chronic sinus infections and found myself eating breakfast cereal each night because I was too tired to cook. This wasn’t how I’d dreamt life would be!
I was dosed up on antibiotics, cortisone nasal sprays, antihistamines, anti-inflammatories and pain killers. And I wasn’t getting any better. I was getting worse! Constant pounding headache, no energy, bloated, gut pain, excruciating period pain and stacking on weight around the middle. And I was doing everything my profession professed was the answer.
This is when my life PhD kicked in. Time to find real lasting answers. And I did. I found out I had an underlying food intolerance, leaky gut, low iron and liver problems, so I changed my diet, cleaned up my lifestyle, did a comprehensive liver and gut detox and repair. I’ve never looked back. Now I do what I love and what works and help others to get lasting results as I did. It was my big lesson in cleaning up at the beginning rather than doing a patch job at the end.
Today, I use all my tools and knowledge as a naturopath, pharmacist and life coach to identify what’s going wrong and right in your body and give you a plan to get you from where you are to where you want to go. If only I’d had this available to me all those years ago, could have saved me endless years of pain, frustration and ill health. So, if you’re struggling with your health? And it’s time you got it sorted, once and for all? Come see me. It’s super simple once you’ve got a plan.
I can help decipher the medical jargon and provide a mixed integrative approach or deliver a totally natural one. You decide. I’ll help you feel better emotionally as well as physically and even share some of my tastiest recipes with you!
It makes all the difference in the world to your partner, your children, your parents and most importantly you, if your body and mind are functioning at their best.
What To Expect?
Working with a naturopath can be daunting for some first-timers. You’re not sure what kind of ‘hocus-pocus’ is going to be performed, what is expected of you, or what curly questions might be asked.
Well, relax. I can assure you when you visit Feeling Great Naturopath Julie Smethurst, you’ll feel at ease, calm and in control.
So what happens at Feeling Great Naturopath Corowa Rutherglen?
The healing starts from the minute you arrive. Your consultation will take place in a nurturing space that is inviting, serene and comfortable. It is surrounded by a tranquil garden setting.
I provide you with an environment where you feel safe to voice your concerns, ask questions (no matter how curly!) and get personal.
My aim is to help you reach your optimal state of health and wellness – so all information is good information!
What happens first in our Naturopath Corowa Rutherglen clinic?
On making an appointment I email you questionnaires to fill out so I can assess your presenting signs, symptoms and habits. This enables me to fully utilise our one on one time for testing and qualifying the most important presenting issues, and then working out your health goals.
What happens next?
Our initial consultation will be 60-75 minutes long and is about determining what’s working and what isn’t. You are given the time to discuss any of your health concerns in depth. Your health history is thoroughly examined.
You may be offered a range of tests depending on your individual needs. You have access to high quality, practitioner-only products. You are given personalized diet and lifestyle strategies. You have access to expert advice on nutritional supplements and herbal medicines. Your specific health needs will have health advice tailored to them.
Machines and tests used in our Naturopath Corowa Rutherglen clinic?
There are a number of great tools a naturopath can use to assist their clients on the path to better health. To be sure of what is actually going on in the body, a naturopath needs to start with a range of tests.
Initial testing can involve the following depending on your needs:
- Zinc testing,
- Blood pressure testing,
- Functional testing – salivary, urinary or blood (if needed)
We’ll talk through my immediate findings then negotiate a treatment plan that is manageable for you. This plan is implemented immediately.
What to expect long term?
Lasting results – wellness tools for life Increased awareness of your body and its needs. Better health, increased vitality, energy and clarity. Greater peace and contentment knowing you have somebody to help to navigate the health system.
How often do I have to go back?
Your return consultation is 45 minutes long. It is here that we’ll talk through your test results that were ordered at your initial consultation. Then fine tune your treatment plan in accordance with the new results/information received and how you have responded since your initial visit.
Follow up appointments (20-30 minutes) at varying intervals from fortnightly to monthly are arranged to help you step along your path to wellness so you can reach your specific health goals.
I am also able to answer any small queries in between by email or text to make sure you don’t get stuck. I have a huge range of resources, referrals and inspirational material to enable you to reach your health goals.
Video or in person consults available.
Naturopath Corowa Qualifications
- 1989 Bachelor of Pharmacy (Sydney University)
- 2000-2010 Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy (Endeavour College, Melbourne)
- 2010 Foundations of Natural Fertility Education (Wise Women Business, Melbourne)
- 2011 Healthscope Functional Medicine Conference – Hormones, liver detoxification & nutrigenomics (Melbourne)
- 2011 Sports nutrition (ATMS seminar, Melbourne)
- 2011 Australian Association of Consultant Pharmacy Conference (Gold Coast)
- 2012 Biology becomes your biography – Metagenics (Melbourne)
- 2012-13 Robbins-Mandane Strategic Intervention & Life Coaching Course
- 2012, 2013 Iridology signs update (Toni Miller), Gold Coast
- 2013 Point of Care Screening & Pathology Testing seminar, Melbourne
- 2013 Body signs & symptoms seminar, Melbourne
- 2013 Don Tolman 3 day Nutrition Bootcamp, Gold Coast
- 2013 Clinical Advances in the treatment of Digestive Disorders, Melbourne
- 2014 Chronic, Fatigue, Fibromyalgia & Pain Syndromes, Melbourne
- 2014 Practitioner Only Detoxification, Melbourne
- 2014 Unleash the Power, Tony Robbins, Sydney
- 2015 Health Masters Live, The Natural Thyroid Masterclass
- 2015 Prescribing alongside Pharmaceuticals for Better Patient Outcomes, Melbourne
- 2015 Date With Destiny, Gold Coast
- 2016 Pain, Inflammation & Immune Driven Conditions, Melbourne
- 2016 Cardiovascular Disease & Current Treatments, Melbourne
- 2016 Functional Psychiatry: The Biology of Emotions, Melbourne
- 2017 Cellular and Systemic Bioenergetics: Effective Solutions for Clinical Fatigue, Melbourne
- 2017 Methylation: Putting New Science into Clinical Context, Melbourne
- 2017 Mastering the Microbiome, Melbourne
- 2018 Solving Allergies & Reactivity, Melbourne
- 2018 Breaking the Cycle of Chronic Allergies, Melbourne
- 2021 Metaganics Congress – Oncology (latest cutting edge research worldwide)
- 2022 Metagenics Congress – Autoimmunity (latest cutting edge research worldwide).
- 2023 7th International Congress Naturopathic Medicine – Paris – Healthy Ageing & Longevity