The 6 Best Retirement Health Tips for Active Living

The 6 Best Retirement Health Tips for Active Living

6 Expert-Backed Health & Wellness Tips for a Vibrant Retirement Explore expert-backed tips to stay healthy and active during retirement. Prevent illness, boost energy, and embrace life to the fullest. Retirement is the perfect time to embrace life to the fullest....

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How To Build The Perfect Smoothie

How To Build The Perfect Smoothie

Step 1: Leafy greens 50% of your smoothie (2 cups = 1 serving) Options: Asian greens,baby spinach, beet greens, bok choy, silverbeet, swiss chard, lettuce (different types but avoid iceberg), kale, mint, basil, coriander, celery and many more ....find your favourites....

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Female Hormones Weight Loss

Female Hormones Weight Loss

Female Hormones Weight Loss - Diets and exercise not working? Don't give up! "Calories in, calories out" has traditionally been the mantra of doctors counseling women on weight loss. While your best friend can eat hot fudge sundaes without gaining a pound, you look at...

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Feeling Great Naturopath New Corowa Office

Feeling Great Naturopath New Corowa Office

Feeling Great Naturopath New Corowa Office & Online Consultations Feeling Great Naturopath new Corowa office or online consultations. I'm your dedicated Health detective, diving deep to uncover your health puzzles. People come to me for 'tip of the iceberg', like...

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Lack of Energy Always Tired? 4 Ways To Thrive

Lack of Energy Always Tired? 4 Ways To Thrive

Lack of Energy Always Tired? 4 Ways To Move From Feeling Crappy To Thriving It's Monday morning the alarm goes off.................. how do you feel? A)  Do you reach for snooze, pull up the covers and wish for the weekend           OR B)  Do you jump out of bed...

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Finding Your Way Out of Hormonal Chaos

Finding Your Way Out of Hormonal Chaos

Finding your way out of hormonal chaos is achievable but not always easy.  Did you know 75% of women have mild to severe symptoms as they move into menopause and 50-80% of women experience PMS?  Meaning that statistically, hormonal based symptoms will affect most...

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Gut Health and Happiness – Is there a link?

Gut Health and Happiness – Is there a link?

You better believe it! There's a strong link between gut health and happiness. As you're juggle life’s challenges big and small, while keeping all the balls of family, work, relationships and your health all balanced in the air. You may have overlooked an essential...

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Healthy Brain Equals Healthy Mind – 9 Tips For Your Best Brain

Healthy Brain Equals Healthy Mind – 9 Tips For Your Best Brain

Feel like your brain is broken more often than not? I hear it a lot. I can’t think – I lose my train of thought so easily. My brain is so foggy. I feel like I have dementia. My memory is shot. I keep having those ‘why did I come into this room moments?’ Prone to bouts...

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10 Things To Know About Your Microbiome

10 Things To Know About Your Microbiome

If you had to name the most exciting recent medical discovery, what would you say? As a health practitioner, I know my answer, hands down: the microbiome. That's the community of trillions of bacteria that inhabit our gut, mouth, lungs, nasal passages, skin, and...

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Bring Back Your Spark – Naturopathic Medicine Case Study

Bring Back Your Spark – Naturopathic Medicine Case Study

Are you sick of feeling flat, exhausted and overwhelmed? Want to bring back your spark? As a naturopath, I treat people from all walks of life - young, old, all shapes and sizes. Lack of energy, zip, mojo (whatever you want to call it) is the most common problem by...

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Julie Smethurst

Naturopath, Life Coach, Pharmacist

0438 593 523
39 Banff Street, Corowa NSW 2646

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