Vietnamese Chicken Salad

Vietnamese Chicken Salad

There are may variations on this fabulous classic. The chicken can be steamed, poached, grilled, fried or barbecued. You can also substitute the chicken for thinly sliced seared beef, minced lamb, cooked prawns or fish. The main thing is to use loads of fresh herbs to add as much flavour as possible. And, of course, the dressing is crucial.


How To Make The Perfect Salad Dressing

How To Make The Perfect Salad Dressing

Most days when the weather warms up I aim for a big salad lunch and/or dinner – my health improves when I do.

To me the dressing is a key component – it helps marry all the fresh colours, textures and flavours that tantalize your taste buds and keeps you coming back for more. 

Great dressing is essential and making your own is best.  

There are two styles of dressing:


Summer Salad

Summer Salad

Personal favourite of mine in summer – simple, tasty, packed with nutrients. Micro greens or herbs are a sensational addition if you can find them at the markets. I’ve found them at organic vegetable stalls bundled in bags. Add a protein of your choice to keep you satisfied for longer – chickpeas, pine nuts, pistachio, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, fresh fish, poached chicken, boiled egg, sliced lamb…… Fantastic for lunch or dinner.
