Regain Your Spark By Resetting Your Body Clock

Regain Your Spark By Resetting Your Body Clock

Alignment is the key to health.

One aspect of many people’s lives that is out of alignment is their sleep and wake patterns. These patterns coordinate hormonal secretions that determine your overall health and recovery! – Resetting Body Clock 

By resetting your circadian body clock, you will have deeper sleep, wake up more refreshed, have better midday energy,  mental clarity, and natural weight loss.


Natural Remedies For Colds

Natural Remedies For Colds

Top 9 Immune Boosting Natural Remedies For Colds


Natural Remedies For Colds – Just of late I have been surrounded by so many people with colds – asking what can I do to get over this quickly?

A cold is really your body’s way of saying, “SLOW DOWN! I need a break!” So, slow down, take the day off and rest. You’ll body will thank you by recovering and rejuvenating itself and you’ll be back to your busy schedule in no time!

So here are some of the remedies out there. They are easy to do, affordable and minimal side effects.
