How to Cure Autoimmune Disease Naturally

How to Cure Autoimmune Disease Naturally

Why Are We Now the Autoimmune Era? How to Cure Autoimmune Disease Naturally

Autoimmune diseases are exponentially on the rise. Continue reading to find out how to How to Cure Autoimmune Disease Naturally.

At last count, world incidence of autoimmune diseases has increased by an average of 19% over the last 30 years. Highest increases are in Western countries, pointing to environmental factors as major cause, rather than genetics. Coeliac disease, myasthenia gravis and diabetes type 1 had the biggest increases in developed countries.

Are you next on the hit list or do you already have an autoimmune disease?

Asthma, eczema, psoriasis, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Grave’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, diabetes type 1, Addison’s disease, multiple sclerosis, coeliac …..the list goes on and on. There are 80 recognised autoimmune diseases and many more that have a questionable autoimmune component.


Healthy Winter Tips – 2 Essentials

Healthy Winter Tips – 2 Essentials

2 Essentials To Staying Well This Winter – Healthy Winter Tips

Healthy Winter Tips – Did you know the key to wellness this winter is a great inner terrain? How do you tell if your inner terrain is NOT right?

  • Low energy, especially morning and mid afternoon
  • Feel inflamed, achy
  • Brain fog
  • Craving sugar
  • Feel irritable, restless
  • Gaining weight around middle and can’t lose it

If this sounds like you… immune problems may already be there or not far away.

Sore throat, chesty cough, blocked nose? On antibiotics, have thrush? Have an autoimmune disease – asthma, psoriasis, eczema, rheumatoid arthritis…..?


Naturopath Gut Health Online Australia

Naturopath Gut Health Online Australia

Naturopath Gut Health Online Australia – 10 Signs You Have Leaky Gut

Naturopath Gut Health Online Australia – Only recently mainstream medicine considered leaky gut syndrome a fake diagnosis by alternative quacks. But today there is growing research confirming ‘leaky gut’ or increased intestinal permeability as a major factor in chronic and autoimmune diseases.

Alternative practitioners have always felt the gut is the foundation of our health. It all started with Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, saying “All disease begins in the gut”. Now science is finally acknowledging this very fact.

What is a leaky gut?

Leaky gut…. is just that a gut that leaks. Your intestinal lining which is normally kilometres of tight junctions can be damaged, through infections, stress, toxins, ageing and certain foods. This damage causes inflammation and increased permeability. Suddenly poorly digested food particles and bacteria are able to pass through into your bloodstream unhindered.

“Leaky gut syndrome” is said to have symptoms including bloating, gas, cramps, food sensitivities, and aches and pains. But it’s something of a medical mystery.

“From an MD’s standpoint, it’s a very gray area,” says gastroenterologist Donald Kirby, MD, director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the Cleveland Clinic. “Physicians don’t know enough about the gut, which is our biggest immune system organ.” – WebMD


Leaky Gut Specialist Online Australia

Leaky Gut Specialist Online Australia

Leaky Gut Specialist Online Australia – 4 Steps To Healing Leaky Gut

What is a leaky gut?

Leaky gut…. is just that a gut that leaks. Your intestinal lining which is normally kilometres of tight junctions can be damaged, through infections, stress, toxins, ageing and certain foods. This damage causes inflammation and increased permeability. Suddenly poorly digested food particles and bacteria are able to pass through into your bloodstream unhindered.

“Leaky gut syndrome” is said to have symptoms including bloating, gas, cramps, food sensitivities, and aches and pains. But it’s something of a medical mystery.

“From an MD’s standpoint, it’s a very gray area,” says gastroenterologist Donald Kirby, MD, director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the Cleveland Clinic. “Physicians don’t know enough about the gut, which is our biggest immune system organ.” – WebMD

Leaky Gut Specialist Online Australia – Want to say goodbye to leaky gut or increased intestinal permeability – signs can include bloating, low energy, joint pain, brain fog, headaches, growing food sensitivities, digestive problems and autoimmune diseases?

Here’s a plan to get you started –

  1. REMOVE the drivers that are damaging the gut.
  2. REPLACE with healing foods
  3. REPAIR with supplements
  4. REBALANCE the gut with probiotics
