Female Hormones Weight Loss – Diets and exercise not working? Don’t give up!
“Calories in, calories out” has traditionally been the mantra of doctors counseling women on weight loss. While your best friend can eat hot fudge sundaes without gaining a pound, you look at a bagel and it seems to go straight to your thighs. Your doctor may tell you you’re clearly consuming more calories than you realize. But if you feel that you are starving and the scale doesn’t budge, consider another part of the weight-loss equation–your hormones. – Livestrong
Female Hormones Weight Loss – Statistics show hormones cause Weight Gain in 75% of Women
Here are 7 signs your hormones are out of balance:
Gaining weight around the middle and can’t shift the weight no matter what you do.
Feeling tired, irritable more often than not.
Feeling bloated often these days.
Everything is starting to stress you, even the little things.
Rely on coffee, tea to give you a pep up often during the day.
Can’t think properly, your brain feels like it is full of cotton wool.
Are you sick of feeling flat, exhausted and overwhelmed? Want to bring back your spark?
As a naturopath, I treat people from all walks of life – young, old, all shapes and sizes. Lack of energy, zip, mojo (whatever you want to call it) is the most common problem by far. They’ve lost their spark – their ‘get up’n go’. If that sound like you or someone you know read on. I’ll show you how a combo of naturopathic medicine and life coaching can bring back your spark ASAP.
Most come to see me for the tip of the iceberg, exhaustion, overwhelmed by life, often living on carbs, sugar or caffeine to give them energy for life. As a naturopath, pharmacist and life coach I delve below the surface to find what’s driving the show.
To find out where the problem lies I assess a few things. Number one is your base layer – your patterns of eating, thinking, moving, drinking, sleeping, recharging, these reveal a lot about how you’re showing up every day and have a huge impact on your health. Small things done often tend to do that, which is an “ah-ah” moment in itself.
As we grow older it’s only natural to get a bit comfortable with where we are in life, but with that often comes a sense that we have to be responsible now so we can live a little later. Life is happening right now and while it might be smart to have a nest egg for the future, that doesn’t mean you can’t live a little (or a lot) right now. Stop making excuses about why you can’t go on that big trip, volunteer in another country, or do that seemingly crazy thing you’ve always wanted to try. Life is a journey to be enjoyed, embraced, and explored and what good is it to wait to do all of those amazing things if you are too old to enjoy it? Don’t wait, do it now. – Huffpost
Once you’ve addressed your foundations you look for imbalances in your body. Signs, symptoms, testing, intuition and experience help me to dig these up. This where my 28 years of experience in health industry kicks in (yes I started when I was 5yo!). Here you may find a variety of problems ranging from digestive issues, gut infections, nutrient deficiencies, food intolerances, autoimmune diseases, thyroid problems, hormonal imbalances, adrenal fatigue and the list goes on.
Now, it’s time to step back and construct a masterplan to suit you. This means knowing how different systems affect each other and seeing the big picture of what needs to be done and in what order. The art is in assessing where you are now and knowing the path to get to where you want to go. I guide you along step by step coaching and teaching you what needs to be done.
Ultimately my job is to empower you by teaching and guiding you along a path tailored to your needs, so you arrive at your desired destination. From here, amazing things will happen. I’ve seen people finally take that job, go out on that date, declutter what’s not working in their life and bring in what does.
It makes me smile all over every time I see a transformation from hopelessness to hope, with a spring their step and a sparkle in their eye. All I know is the world needs more people who’ve come alive.
They live longer happier lives. Having their spark back allows them to love bigger, live brighter and contribute more to making the world a better place. Who could ask for more than that!
Bring Back Your Spark Case Study – Treating Symptoms of Low Energy and Weight Loss Through Naturopathic Medicine
Here’s Lisa’s case study:
44 year old female
Presented with low energy 3/10 and couldn’t lose weight even on a restrictive 1200 cal/day.
Poor stamina, weak muscles, could only manage walking once a week for exercise.
Bad PMS symptoms, heavy, clotted, cramping periods
Bloating after every meal and prone to constipation
Had an itchy rash that comes and goes on her forearms
History of glandular fever as a child that took 12 months to recover from
Diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis 10 years ago and was on thyroid medication prescribed by her doctor.
Family history of autoimmune disease Lupus
Presents as exhausted, dark circles under eyes, dragging herself along…lost her spark
Goals – lose 13kg, increase energy
Initial treatment:
Ran a new set of blood tests at GP
Tested for food intolerances
Salivary hormone testing
Increased water intake to 2.5L/day
Reduced caffeine drinks to ideally 1 per day
Green smoothie 1/day
Reduced alcohol to maximum 2 drinks on weekend
Daily deep abdominal breathing 2 minutes
Gave nutrients to maximise energy production
Second visit:
Blood tests from GP revealed low iron, B12, MTHFR (needing activated B’s)
Food intolerance results revealed problem digesting dairy, eggs, some grains
Started detox & gut/ liver reset programme
Salivary hormone results revealed extremely high cortisol on waking & extremely low after midday, explaining the energy crash after lunch and treated with nutrients, herbs and lifestyle recommendations
Low progesterone, high oestrogen detected via salivary testing and treated with nutrients & herbs. Addressing liver/gut and adrenals makes huge positive impact here.
Third visit:
Continued with anti-inflammatory diet
Swapped to sublingual bioidentical thyroid medication and titrated to most effective dose, now Lisa’s able to exercise daily without muscle soreness and has loads of stamina.
Spark is totally back in her eyes, dark circles have gone.
Periods are lighter, no PMS and sugar cravings, feeling emotionally more balanced
Fluid retention has gone, feeling energised and alert
Lost 5kg to date
Now Lisa’s body has been rebalanced by addressing her gut and hormonal imbalances (adrenals, thyroid, sex hormones, blood sugar) she is all set to repeat the new skills I’ve taught her often. Super easy now her energy’s back and she has great patterns of eating, drinking, moving, thinking, recharging and being.
Bring Back Your Spark – Mission accomplished! And I’m still around if she needs a reset or tune-up.
Is it time to bring back your spark? You only get one go in this body so you may as well make the most of it. CLICK HERE to book online to get started today. Appointments available in person or Teams/Whatsapp
Julie xx (Naturopath, Life Coach, Pharmacist) Feeling Great Health Solutions Ph: 0438 593523
Your thyroid is an important endocrine gland that makes and releases certain hormones. Your thyroid’s main job is to control your metabolism — how your body uses energy. Sometimes, your thyroid doesn’t work properly. These conditions are common and treatable. Cleveland Clinic
The Thyroid gland manages your weight, mood, energy, temperature and your memory. It also works closely with the adrenal glands and the blood sugar system to regulate your energy.
Overall, the thyroid gland is responsible for the speed of your cellular function or metabolic rate. This includes the speed of your reflexes, heart, brain and so on, by affecting all the cells, tissues, organs and systems in your body. The thyroid gland is essential for life, growth and development. It works with all your hormones to coordinate them.
Hormones excreted by the thyroid include T4, T3, T2, T1 and calcitonin. The thyroid manufactures 80% of all your T4, 20% of all your T3 (quantities and function of T1 and T2 are largely unknown). T3 is five to seven times stronger than T4.
WHAT DOES YOUR THYROID DO – How does Thyroid work?
The thyroid is stimulated by a hormonal messenger from the brain called Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) to secrete thyroid hormone T4. When the thyroid is functioning properly it produces thyroid hormones T3 (Tri-iodothyronine), and T4 (Tetra-iodothyronine) from tyrosine (a protein) and iodine. The hormone calcitonin is also produced by the thyroid and is involved in the regulation of calcium in the body and therefore affects neurotransmitter, muscle and bone health.
The thyroid hormones are chemical messengers that deliver instructions to various target tissues and organs via the bloodstream. The cells within the target organs then use the thyroid hormones and respond by speeding up or slowing down their activities in all parts of the body.
The 3 Key Facts
1. Hyperthyroidism – your thyroid produces excess T3 or T4, which speeds up the rate you burn calories.
2. Hypothyroidism – your thyroid is underproducing T3 or T4, which slows the rate your body burns fuel. You can be born with this or it can develop later in life.
3. Important to note that in older people hypothyroidism is also mixed up with the natural signs of ageing.
The Thyroid Gland and its functions can be likened to driving in a car in the wrong gear. If you’re in first gear and driving at 50kms an hour, you’re revving too high or overworking, this can be likened to Hyperthyroidism. However, driving in fourth gear at 15kms an hour, causes you to slow down, and eventually stall the car, this can be likened to Hypothyroidism. Neither is ideal so you need it to be balanced and functioning properly!
Autoimmune Specialist Online Australia – Gut, Thyroid And The Immune Connection
Autoimmune Thyroid Disease is a genetic predisposition, which runs in families but can skip one or more generations and affects more women than men. When Autoimmune Disease is diagnosed, a patient can be affected with more than one symptom. – Thyroid Foundation
If you have a thyroid condition, it is 90% likely to be an autoimmune disease.
This means that your own immune system is attacking the thyroid gland.
Autoimmune Specialist Melbourne – As with any autoimmune disease, the immune system turns against one’s own body parts – in the case of rheumatoid arthritis it’s the joints, Coeliac’s it’s the gut, Type 1 diabetes it’s the pancreas, multiple sclerosis it’s the nerves, lupus it’s the joins and muscle tissue, and the list goes on.
In the case of thyroid autoimmune diseases, it’s called thyroiditis – it can either be Hashimoto’s which is an autoimmune disease that makes the thyroid hypo (slows it down) or Graves’ Disease which causes hyperthyroidism (or an overactive thyroid).
It’s well known now that people with one autoimmune condition are more likely to develop two or three other, more debilitating autoimmune conditions.
Statistics show that 50% of people with Hashimoto’s Disease will develop other autoimmune diseases, many of which can be far more debilitating.
It is therefore essential to restore the functioning of the immune system in order to manage the state of the immune system and hence your thyroid challenges. To restore the immune system one must, of course, restore the health of the gut.
It has been estimated that the gut wall contains about 80—85% of the immune system. The good bacteria in the gut engages the lymphoid tissue, a very important part of the immune system.
There are tons of lymphocytes and other immune cells in the gut, which protect the body from viruses, bacteria, and other invaders. If the bacteria in the gut is damaged or abnormal, there are far fewer lymphocytes, and the immune system is compromised.
This can lead to the person developing chronic viral infections, allergies, chronic colds, autoimmune disorders, and the like.
What you need to know about the gut.
Everyone has bacteria in their digestive tract, or gut, that is essential to the function of the human body. A healthy adult has about 1.5 – 2 kg of bacteria in their gut, both good and bad.
The different types of bacteria live in harmony, with the good bacteria keeping a tight control on the bad. Normal levels of bacteria, or flora, in the gut protects against invaders, undigested food, toxins, and parasites. It keeps the gut wall protected, takes an active part in the digestion and absorption of food, and is essential to the immune function.
It helps to transport vitamins, minerals, water, gases, and other nutrients through the gut wall into the bloodstream. The bacteria also actively synthesizes various nutrients.
When the good and bad bacteria in the gut get out of balance also called a dysbiosis (i.e. more bad than good), a whole host of negative reactions can occur in the body.
Undigested foods can leak through into the bloodstream causing food allergies and intolerances, vitamins and minerals may not be absorbed, leading to deficiency, causing the bad bacteria to produce a whole host of toxins, and the immune system to not function properly.
Do you often experience bloating, gas, constipation, acid reflux, burping or bouts of diarrhoea?
It is so common for so many people that we have grown to believe that it’s “normal” to have frequent or chronic digestive issues. It’s very important to understand that it is not only “not normal” but it’s detrimental to your immune system (remember, this is where the immune system starts) and therefore also your thyroid health.
If you look at the picture on the left you see villi; these are hair-like projections located in the ileum – which is a part of the digestive tract.
Normal Villi (left), Inflammed Damaged Villi (right)
The villi are instrumental in digesting carbohydrates, proteins, and fats without causing irritation of the intestinal walls.
The villi are also responsible for the absorption of the vitamins and minerals from the food we eat. The picture on the right is showing you a damaged form of the villi which is common in people with chronic digestive issues.
When we say “chronic” it does not have to mean you must be in a constant and debilitating pain – it just means you are frequently (say minimum twice per week) challenged with any of these: constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating, acid reflux, burping or intestinal pain.
What is “leaky gut” and why does it matter.
The intestinal walls are often irritated in those with intestinal permeability also known as “leaky gut”.
The term “leaky gut” is a non-medical yet very real and descriptive way of saying that the lining of the intestines is damaged and undigested food particles “leak out” to the blood stream and create havoc in the body.
This havoc is largely created by the immune system launching an attack on one’s own body parts when there is food “leaking out”.
Some of the food particles, like gluten, are said to look very similar to the thyroid gland cells and this is why so many people with thyroid conditions do well when they stop ingesting gluten.
Autoimmune disease and a compromised gut create a vicious cycle.
A person suffering from an autoimmune disease invariably has gut issues.
The more inflammation in the autoimmune system, the more severe the gut issues. In a self perpetuating vicious cycle leaky gut flares up autoimmune conditions, which in turn further damages the gut lining.
Diagnosing leaky gut is not easy and the list of symptoms can be very long. It includes conditions like constipation, intestinal pain, diarrhoea, headaches, skin problems (acne, eczema), frequent colds, stubborn weight gain, urinary tract infections, insomnia and the list goes on.
Things that have a negative effect on gut flora:
Antibiotics and other drugs.
Diet, especially sugar and processed food.
Other: physical exertion, age, alcoholism, pollution, etc.
Why do I need to change my diet?
Diet is an important component of a person’s health. The food that one consumes affects the type and amount of bacteria in the gut, the functioning of the immune system, and vitamin and mineral levels, among other things.
Poor diets can lead to improper digestive system functioning, food allergies and intolerances, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and toxins leaking into the bloodstream and therefore, into the brain and nervous system.
All of these things can lead to a plethora of different health problems ranging from autism, depression to thyroid dysfunction.
When we change our diet, we start to cleanse the body. We begin to repair the gut lining, dispose of built up toxins, restore immune system function, and we see our health starting to shift.
Symptoms such as weight gain, fatigue, anxiety, constipation, difficulty concentrating, diarrhea, insomnia and so on start to disappear. Once the immune system is repaired, the thyroid is no longer under any attack and our body can heal.
A stricter diet is often necessary.
If you have been diagnosed with an autoimmune condition like Hashimoto’s or Graves’ Disease, it’s very likely that a simple diet improvement might not be enough at this point.
Generic advice dispensed by mass media, like “eat whole food”, “unprocessed” and “local” might not be enough.
Food allergies and intolerances may be simmering away which need to be uncovered so digestive issues can be resolved.
Why are so many thyroid conditions not diagnosed properly?
Your thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland in your neck below your Adam’s apple, is your chief gland of energy an metabolism and is like a master lever that fires up the genes that keep cells doing their jobs. You can think of the thyroid as a fundamental mechanism in a complex machine, as every cell in your body has thyroid hormone receptors. – MBG
Thyroid Disease Treatment Online Naturopath Australia – Health practitioners who really understand thyroid health are disillusioned by the standard mainstream medicine diagnosis and treatment of thyroid conditions and their unwillingness to change and improve the way they do things.
So why are so many of us flying under the thyroid radar? Why are so many of us undiagnosed in spite of feeling run down, fatigued, moody, struggling with weight, anxiety, depression, hair loss and infertility?
There are many reasons, but let’s just focus on the key ones:
1. Incomplete tests
You probably know this by now that the “standard thyroid test” a traditional doctor would ask for is TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) and T4 (this is just one of the hormones produced by the thyroid).
Unfortunately, we know today that this is a very inconclusive way of making a thyroid diagnosis. Many people have a “normal” TSH and T4 in spite of showing all signs on hypo- or hyperthyroidism. However, when a complete tests are done like T3 (this is the bio-available active hormone that our body cells have receptors for), reverse T3 and antibodies called TPO and TGB – only then a diagnosis can be completed.
Many of my clients have TSH, FT4, FT3 which are normal even though they feel really unwell and compromised. They often have thyroid antibodies (TPO, TG) which can be quite high. This means that their immune system is constantly attacking their thyroid gland and breaking it down.
2. TSH “normal” range is set as 0.5 to 5.0
Most endocrinologists are, sadly, still basing their diagnosis on outdated education and are not even aware of the revised range, which the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists recommends which is 0.3-3.0.
Most holistic doctors and functional medicine practitioners however believe that this should be further revised to be in the 1.0 – 2.0 range.
3. Total T3 instead of Free T3
This is another mysteriously overlooked thyroid health marker – if a doctor orders the T3 test (too often, they do not), it’s most often Total T3 and not the Free T3.
Free T3 means it’s the unbound or bio-available T3 hormones that you body receptor can actively use – receptors are like parking lots that are waiting to be filled up with T3 to function properly.
Total T3 consists of both bound and unbound T3 and is a useless measurement as we just want to know how much FREE T3 there is.
4. Ignorance and outdated practices
You might be asking “so, why are doctors not getting updated with this information?”.
Good question. Partly due to an outdated approach that never got enough attention to be changed (although that’s changing now with many thyroid advocate groups pushing for it).
Another reason is that most endocrinologists (the doctor looking after hormonal health, including the thyroid) are too busy with the diabetes pandemic and have therefore little time and willingness to learn more about the thyroid.
So this is what I do for you as an Online Client anywhere in Australia. I get this all sorted for you and work out a plan to get you feeling fantastic again! Thyroid Disease Treatment Online Naturopath Australia – Click here to book now
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