Female Hormone Specialist

Female Hormone Specialist

Female Hormone Specialist – Are Hormones Causing Your Fatigue, Weight Gain Or Moodiness?

Feel like your hormones are out of whack?

Here’s a few tips to steer you in the right direction.

Female Hormone Specialists – Hormones are chemical messengers in your body. They send constant messages to every organ and alters things like energy levels, mood, weight, digestion, temperature and much more. Hormone producing organs include your brain (hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal glands), thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas, adrenals, gastrointestinal tract and reproductive glands (ovaries and testes).

As it is in life, we never truly appreciate the effects of something, until it’s not working. This imbalance can be from, too much or too little or not the right ratio of this to that. In hormone land, there are loads of negative & positive feedback loops, so one anomaly can cause a cascade of effects.

In Naturopathic or functional medicine, we aim to find the root cause and rectify and support your natural hormonal balance and keep you symptom free. This is why we often use salivary hormone testing. It’s more sensitive and measures the unbound or free portion of hormones that acts on your tissues. So it’s easier to titrate doses of natural hormones, herbs, nutrients and the like and correlates better with symptoms.

Mainstream medicine however tends to favour serum blood tests, which measure total blood levels, so bound and unbound. So, it’s hard to see what’s working and what’s not to fine tune it. You’re often given high doses of synthetic tablets or creams, to replace a deficiency and often result in an array of side effects and potentially hazardous long term outcomes. Otherwise, if your symptoms don’t correlate with abnormal blood results you’re told you’re just getting old, offered antidepressants or told to lose weight. When really the testing wasn’t sensitive enough to pick up the problem.

Here’s some common hormonal symptoms I see and you may be experiencing right now.


Treat Low Libido Naturally

Treat Low Libido Naturally

Treat Low Libido Naturally – Libido Taken A Serious Nose Dive? Here’s 4 Reasons Why & 6 Hacks To Get It Sorted

 Treat Low Libido Naturally

Libido taken a serious nose dive? I liken sex drive to the canary in the coal mine of your overall physical and mental health.

After years of helping people who’ve lost their spark or mojo. I know that lousy sex drive, no energy, poor sleep, skin problems, and bloating aren’t symptoms that can be fixed fast with a tablet or an injection. They are your body telling you something is wrong with your hormones.

4 Causes of Low Sex Drive

Overall 70 percent of low sex drive is due to misfiring hormones. Of course, there are other considerations, such as relationship issues, communication problems, mismatch of expectations and style. These all need to be explored and renegotiated for a greater sexual connection.

Although, a lesser known truth is that your hormones start to change when you’re in your twenties, not just in menopause. Your hormones operate in an intricate maze of biofeedback loops, whereby when one is out it creates a domino effect down the line.

As you take on more in your life, your cortisol, or main stress hormone rises and starts to rob your other sex hormones. Testosterone and DHEA begin to decline, and so does your adaptability to stress. Your oestrogen and/or progesterone can drop, causing you to have oestrogen dominance or PMS. You may experience high testosterone, such as with polycystic ovarian syndrome or low testosterone, as a result of excess stress or aging. Or your thyroid may start to cough and splutter.

Physical issues that can cause low libido include low testosterone, prescription medicines, too little or too much exercise, and alcohol and drug use. Psychological issues can include depression, stress, and problems in your relationship. – WebMD
