10 Things To Know About Your Microbiome

10 Things To Know About Your Microbiome

If you had to name the most exciting recent medical discovery, what would you say? As a health practitioner, I know my answer, hands down: the microbiome.

That’s the community of trillions of bacteria that inhabit our gut, mouth, lungs, nasal passages, skin, and brain. Although we’ve been aware of these bacteria for a while, until now we didn’t realize what a crucial role they play in just about every aspect of our health.


Green Goddess Smoothie (Low FODMAP)

Green Goddess Smoothie (Low FODMAP)

This delicious smoothie is a prebiotic powerhouse that will keep your good gut bacteria smiling!

I make this nourishing LOW FODMAP smoothie most weeks as it helps cleanse my digestive system and just makes me feel awesome!

I encourage you to enjoy this smoothie every day for one full week and let me know how you feel!


Leaky Gut Specialist Online Australia

Leaky Gut Specialist Online Australia

Leaky Gut Specialist Online Australia – 4 Steps To Healing Leaky Gut

What is a leaky gut?

Leaky gut…. is just that a gut that leaks. Your intestinal lining which is normally kilometres of tight junctions can be damaged, through infections, stress, toxins, ageing and certain foods. This damage causes inflammation and increased permeability. Suddenly poorly digested food particles and bacteria are able to pass through into your bloodstream unhindered.

“Leaky gut syndrome” is said to have symptoms including bloating, gas, cramps, food sensitivities, and aches and pains. But it’s something of a medical mystery.

“From an MD’s standpoint, it’s a very gray area,” says gastroenterologist Donald Kirby, MD, director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the Cleveland Clinic. “Physicians don’t know enough about the gut, which is our biggest immune system organ.” – WebMD

Leaky Gut Specialist Online Australia – Want to say goodbye to leaky gut or increased intestinal permeability – signs can include bloating, low energy, joint pain, brain fog, headaches, growing food sensitivities, digestive problems and autoimmune diseases?

Here’s a plan to get you started –

  1. REMOVE the drivers that are damaging the gut.
  2. REPLACE with healing foods
  3. REPAIR with supplements
  4. REBALANCE the gut with probiotics


Berry-licious Mint Kombucha Mocktail

Berry-licious Mint Kombucha Mocktail

Berry-licious sparkling gut friendly cocktail to spice up any celebration. Drink as many as you like. Your gut will love you for it. Kids can join in as well.

Not sure what kombucha is? It’s a sparkling fermented tea beverage that is probiotic rich. It’s bubbly like champagne and soft drinks from the fermentation process, but is light on the calories and loaded with nutrients and health benefits.

Give it a try. Make up your own. 




Sauerkraut is brimming with healthy probiotics, gut healing agents and cancer fighting nutrients, that will help ensure wonderful gut health. Because of antibiotic use, and even the chlorine in our water, the healthy bacteria in our systems are often beaten down. Including naturally fermented foods such as sauerkraut is an excellent way to rebuild healthy gut bacteria levels.
