by Feeling Great | Jan 31, 2023 | Mind
Mental Health Holistic Approach – 5 Things You Should Promise Yourself NOT To Do This Year
As the new year begins with lightning speed your mind fills with goals, aspirations, and plans — all designed to spur change and improve upon the person you were in the previous year.
A lesson well learned is to make sure you do all the above in a way that really honours you. So here are things you need to promise NOT to do this year.
Life is a journey, not a destination.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
1. I will NOT put unrealistic demands on myself.
This includes any type of rigid schedule, goals set for the purpose of pleasing anyone other than myself or harsh lifestyle or character modifications of any type. Remembering that we thrive in a flexible, creative environment and even if someone else succeeds in other ways, those are not my ways. We will instead strive for attainable and healthy changes that are manageable and designed to truly improve my life in my own unique way.
2. I will NOT be my own worst critic.
This year, ease up on your own opinion of yourself. Give myself a break. Do not beat yourself up for past mistakes or perceived current shortcomings. Do not compare myself to anyone else because you are uniquely you.
3. I will NOT treat myself with any less love and kindness than I would show to anyone else – Mental Health Holistic Approach.
We can be very quick to forgive and typically strive to see the best in others. However, that generosity of spirit is often lost when we review our own life and actions. With the “You can do better” mantra. This year, work towards recognizing the wonderful things you bring to the table. Celebrate your contributions to the world and speak to myself with kindness when you fall short of my self-imposed expectations — just as you would do for my friends and family members.
4. I will NOT focus on negative thoughts.
Every day we are bombarded with news stories that could make the most steadfast optimist cringe. It’s easy to get caught up in a cycle of fear and negativity. But we can be a positive influence in the lives of others. We can radiate love and kindness and positivity designed to touch the hearts of those we encounter. By doing so, we just might make the world a slightly better place — and that’s enough.
5. Mental Health Holistic Approach – I will NOT forget to have fun.
In a society where terms like success and accomplishment are used to identify someone’s worth, it’s easy to get caught up in a dust storm of busy-ness. It’s as if society has grown to believe that only by being constantly busy can we prove ourselves to be worthy, accomplished, successful.
Well, I’m going to discard that belief this year and work toward making space for the things I love. Striving to approach the day with a light heart and a good humour. Sure, you still have to work and earn money, but work should not define or control you.
This may be a hefty list to tackle all at once. I’ll add that do NOT expect miracles but allow time and practice to guide you to these goals. View it as a roadmap for a gentle, growth-centred journey to a happier you.
So have an amazing year!
by Feeling Great | Jan 5, 2019 | Body
Is Your New Year’s Health Resolution Losing Momentum?
Are cracks starting to appear in your New Years health resolutions?
Did you valiantly declare this year was going to be different? Was it going to be the year you made your health a priority? Was there talk of getting your energy back? Losing that spare tyre around the middle? Or getting rid of that constant bloated feeling? Or doing something about those hot flushes?
Here’s 4 ways to salvage your new year’s health resolutions –
1. Find Your Why
Whether you’re faced with a delicious slice of chocolate cake or a burning desire to skip exercising, if you carry a strong sense of why you want to reach your goal, you’ll find it easier to resist temptations.
Research shows that self-motivated goals are more likely to be reached,[1] so get clear on your own personal ‘why’.
Do you want to be there for your kids, look great at an event, or improve your energy? Remind yourself of this when temptation comes your way.
Goals are easier to reach if they are SMART –
- Specific,
- Measurable,
- Attainable,
- Relevant,
- Time-orientated
Allowing you to set clear goals and understand when you are on track to reaching them.
For more information and assistance with creating your own SMART goals for the New Year, read this blog.
A big reason to make your goals SMART is that you’ll also improve your weight loss results.
Highlighting this, a recent study found that people who set a specific weight loss goal lost an average of 1.5 kg more than those who didn’t.[2]
In another study, it was also found that goal setters were 10 times more likely to lose 10 per cent of their original body weight than non-goal setters.It should be noted that participants in both studies received coaching from qualified healthcare professionals,[4],[5] highlighting the importance of seeking help from a qualified Practitioner. Need help click here to book online.
3. Track Your Progress
Self-monitoring is key to helping you track your progress and make adjustments.
When trying to lose weight, tracking your diet and exercise, and regularly weighing yourself, gives real time feedback that helps you stick to your resolution.[6]
4. Get Help
Research shows that health goals are easier to reach if they are set with the help of a Practitioner.[7] This is because your Practitioner can help you identify and implement strategies to reach your goal in a safe and healthy way, as well as helping you anticipate and deal with obstacles and setbacks.
For example, problem-solving therapy results in greater losses in body weight, including long-term weight reductions.[8]
Success is guaranteed when ownership and commitment align.
Smash your health goals in 2019 by putting these evidence-based strategies to work and reap the rewards that come from your dedication and direction.
Content adapted from Metagenics Australia (permission given)
[1] Teixeira PJ, Silva MN, Mata J, Palmeira AL, Markland D. Motivation, self-determination, and long-term weight control. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2012 Dec;9(1):22.
[2] O’Hara BJ, Gale J, McGill B, Bauman A, Hebden L, Allman-Farinelli M, et al. Weight-Related Goal Setting in a Telephone-Based Preventive Health-Coaching Program: Demonstration of Effectiveness. Am J of Health Promot. 2017 Nov;31(6):491-501.
[3] Avery A, Langley‐Evans SC, Harrington M, Swift JA. Setting targets leads to greater long‐term weight losses and ‘unrealistic’ targets increase the effect in a large community‐based commercial weight management group. J Hum Nutr Diet. 2016 Dec;29(6):687-96.
[4] O’Hara BJ, Gale J, McGill B, Bauman A, Hebden L, Allman-Farinelli M, et al. Weight-Related Goal Setting in a Telephone-Based Preventive Health-Coaching Program: Demonstration of Effectiveness. Am J of Health Promot. 2017 Nov;31(6):491-501.
[5] Avery A, Langley‐Evans SC, Harrington M, Swift JA. Setting targets leads to greater long‐term weight losses and ‘unrealistic’ targets increase the effect in a large community‐based commercial weight management group. J Hum Nutr Diet. 2016 Dec;29(6):687-96.
[6] Burke LE, Wang J, Sevick MA. Self-monitoring in weight loss: a systematic review of the literature. J Am Diet Assoc. 2011 Jan;111(1):92-102.
[7] Leistra E, Streppel MT, Klamer J, Tump AC, Weijs PJ. SUN-PP190: effect of smart goal setting and nutritional assessment on treatment compliance in primary care dietetic treatment. Clin Nutr. 2015 Jan 1;34(Suppl. 1):S94
[8] Perri MG, Nezu AM, McKelvey WF, Shermer RL, Renjilian DA, Viegener BJ. Relapse prevention training and problem-solving therapy in the long-term management of obesity. J Consult Clin Psychol. 2001 Aug;69(4):722-726.
by Feeling Great | Dec 29, 2017 | Mind
Want to turn your new year resolutions into lasting results? I’m actually not a big fan of New Year’s Resolutions…but if it’s your window of opportunity seize it with both hands.
Me, I’d prefer a deliberate reset reflecting on 2017 in December or right now and making a few kick-arse decisions about what’s going, what’s staying and what I want more of for 2018.
I choose a word or theme for each year. For me 2018 is about decluttering.
After having reached the big 5 0 this year. Time to clear out the crap, physically, mentally and emotionally. Give it away, sell it or let go of what’s not working and open up the space and energy for what does. Reset for what’s to come.
On the subject of stuff… did you know that Australians on average live in the biggest homes in the world? On average 10% bigger than the US.
Is it because we have bigger families? No. Is it because we have more room to build? No. It’s because we have so much stuff. And for some there’s a need for self storage as well. What do you really use in your house? You’d be surprised. End of rant.
Now, hands up who want to turn your new year resolutions into lasting results? That means embracing strategies, mindset and habits that cement change until it becomes just what you do. This lasts beyond the eight minutes of being motivated and inspired.
Here’s your 6 steps to turn new year resolutions into lasting change-
1. Get clear about what you want and why you want it.
Be specific. Vague statements like ‘I want to lose weight’, ‘I want to be more organised’ just don’t cut it.
Instead use something like, I want to lose 10 kilos by my school reunion on 24th April, because I’m wearing this mind-blowing red dress and drop dead gorgeous shoes and I want to look super hot.
This step will turn your new year resolution into lasting change by creating inner momentum that gives you fuel to keep going even when it all gets a little hard and uncomfortable. Keeps you moving from being temporarily motivated to hard wired for results.
Now if you share your intent with others, accountability is added to the mix. When your best friend or partner repeats your intentions back to you when temporary amnesia kick in…it works.
2. Identify the cost
What are the costs to turn your new year resolutions into lasting change?
Is it time, money, getting uncomfortable, consistency, pain, hard work, inconvenience? What’s needed?
Change requires personal investment. Growth comes with the hard stuff.
An internal transformation precedes a external transformation.
3. Acknowledge what got in the way last time
What got in the way last time of turning your new year resolutions into lasting results?
Was it boredom, injury, time, money, not big enough why?
Set yourself up for success. Address the barriers (mental, physical, emotional), get creative and recognise the patterns.
4. Structure, organisation, accountability, process, timeline
Strategy is essential to turn your new year resolutions into lasting change.
Initially we’re emotionally driven..inspired, motivated….this lasts for about eight minutes.
What’s going to keep you going beyond this? Rituals, accountability, strategy, they’ll change your blueprint to success with consistency over time.
Need a strategy? Click here for 7 Day Feeling Great Reset Challenge. $7 for 7 days.
5. Take away the safety net
If you want to turn new year resolutions into lasting change, this means taking away the internal option to stop.
Lose the excuses, stories, self- negotiation, rationalizing… the work.
Time to invest and commit to the process and stay on track to a new normal or default setting.
You know you’ve reached your new setting when you’re no longer looking for a loop hole.
6. Improvise, adapt, overcome
Flexibility is your greatest asset to turn new year resolutions into lasting results.
Our world’s dynamic, evolving. Life is constantly throwing things at us that we don’t expect.
Time to trade falling apart and reacting with adapting, improvising and creatively ploughing forward.
Hope that’s nudged those creative juices for 2018. See you on the other side or on the 7 day Feeling Great Reset Challenge
Either way Happy New Year!
by Feeling Great | Jan 7, 2017 | Mind
7 Steps to Consciously Create Clarity to Your Best Year Yet
“Your past does not determine who you are. Your past prepares you for who you are to become.” – Joel Osteen
Welcome to a brand-new year, filled with clarity and endless possibilities!
2017 marks the beginning of a new nine-year cycle, making it the perfect time to decide how you want to shape your future. The question is: Will you create your year consciously or let life happen to you?
Many people live in unconscious creation—like a ship drifting aimlessly, bumping into the shore without a clear destination. But imagine what could happen if you pre-set a course, knowing exactly where you’re headed.
By reducing overwhelm and worry, and focusing on progress, you’ll navigate life’s unexpected twists with clarity and confidence, increasing your chances of reaching your goals.
The key to success? Clarity.
For me, clarity means taking time to pause, breathe, and assess the big picture. It’s about understanding where you are, where you want to go, and how to bridge the gap. I call this recalibrating your internal GPS.
Clarity leads to calmness, focus, and ease, removing the constant stops, detours, and reversals caused by uncertainty and overwhelm.
Here are 7 simple steps to help you consciously design your year and beyond.
1. Reflect on the Past Year
Find a quiet space in nature, grab a pen and notebook, and take time to process the year that was.
Writing your reflections is not only therapeutic but also provides a valuable record for future growth.
Ask Yourself:
✅ What were my major personal highlights and challenges in 2016?
✅ What were my biggest professional wins and struggles?
✅ What lessons did I learn that I can carry forward?
✅ What worked well that I want to continue?
✅ What didn’t serve me that I need to let go of?
2. Take a Break to Recharge
Before diving into goal-setting, give yourself at least 7 days to relax and refresh. Step away from the daily grind and fill yourself up with energy for the year ahead.
✔ Spend time in nature
✔ Laugh, play, and have fun
✔ Get quality sleep
✔ Read a great book
✔ Take a social media detox
If a full week isn’t possible, schedule at least one full day—but make sure to plan for a longer reset soon. You know you need it.
3. Visualize Your Ideal Year
Your dreams form the foundation of your goals. But before setting objectives, take time to see, feel, and experience your ideal year in your mind.
Try this simple visualization exercise:
🌿 Find a peaceful place where you won’t be disturbed.
💨 Take deep breaths, imagining a circle of white light around you.
🌟 Picture your heart’s desire—see the details in color, as vividly as possible.
😊 Feel the joy, health, and success as if it’s happening right now.
✍ Write everything down with gratitude.
4. Turn Your Dreams Into Actionable Goals
Now, transform your vision into clear goals.
📌 Step 1: Choose 3-4 major personal and 3-4 major professional goals for the year. These are your big rocks—the most important priorities.
📌 Step 2: Break these big goals into quarterly milestones (your small rocks).
📌 Step 3: Divide the quarterly goals into daily or weekly habits (your sand).
🎯 Big Goal: Improve fitness
🗓 Quarterly Goal: Build strength and stamina
💪 Daily Habit: Exercise for 20 minutes every morning
This system ensures that your daily actions align with your big-picture goals.
5. Establish Daily Rituals Aligned with Your Goals
Daily rituals turn intentions into habits, making success inevitable. These small, consistent actions help you build momentum and stay on track.
✔ If your goal is better health, commit to exercising daily.
✔ If your goal is writing more, schedule 30 minutes of focused writing each day.
✔ If your goal is mental clarity, practice meditation or journaling regularly.
Small steps taken daily lead to massive results over time.
6. Take Action—Even When You’re Not Ready
Action creates momentum. It’s only when you start moving forward that the “how” becomes clearer.
💡 Trust the process. You don’t need to have everything figured out—just take the first step.
7. Review and Readjust as Needed
Life isn’t static, and neither are your goals. The key to long-term success is constant evaluation and adjustment.
At the end of each month, reflect on your progress:
✔ Is this working?
✔ Do I need to tweak my approach?
✔ Could I be doing something more effectively?
✔ What’s the best time of day for my key activities?
When something isn’t working, don’t quit—adjust and keep going.
“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.” – Norman Vincent Peale
Final Thoughts: Create a Year You’ll Be Proud Of
We are all a work in progress. Life isn’t about perfection—it’s about progress, learning, and growth.
So, set your course, take action, and embrace the journey.
Make this year a powerful and intentional one!
💡 If you found this helpful, share it with others!
🚀 Need guidance on setting goals or creating lasting change? Book a consultation today!
by Feeling Great | Dec 29, 2015 | Mind
4 Steps To Turning New Year’s Resolutions into Action and Results
Sick of creating new year’s resolutions that fizzle and die within the first week?
Well here is a 4 step process that will help you turn your New Year’s Resolutions from hot air to action.
This process will help you gain clarity about where you’ve been, where you are now, and where you want to go so that you can create lasting change in areas of your life.
This creates momentum that will help to revitalise your health, your finances, your relationships, your career….really the sky is the limit!