Are You Suffering From Sensory Overload?

Are You Suffering From Sensory Overload?

Think back over your day so far. How much of it was spent in silence? As in no pumping background music, no chit chat, no incessant mental chatter in your head or a blazing podcast on your headphones. When were you last in the moment, with the wind on your face appreciating what is with no judgement and feeling truly grateful for the magic of life.

Chances are it’s been a while. It’s a common predicament these days. Often seconds after our alarm goes off, bang we are deep into social media feeds. Listening to music on our commute to work, watching videos at lunch, listening to podcasts on the way home, watching TV during dinner.

Sound familiar? The average person is often deprived of mental and physical silence. We are over-stimulated by a constant bombardment on all our sensory organs. It is the era of sensory overload!


10 Tips To Get More Energy Naturally

10 Tips To Get More Energy Naturally

10 Tips To Get More Energy Naturally

  • Can’t be bothered?
  • Feeling overwhelmed?
  • Life feels too hard?
  • Running on empty?

Whenever, I start feeling flat for no good reason I step back and take stock.

Here’s what I usually find –

  • I’m being unkind to myself,
  • I’m unorganized with my food and time
  • I’ve let my nourishing rituals drop off
  • I haven’t planned anything to look forward to
  • I’m focusing on what’s not there instead of what is

Here’s 10 tips to Get More Energy Naturally –


Holistic Life Coach Melbourne

Holistic Life Coach Melbourne

Holistic Life Coach Mornington – 10 Steps To Creating Life Balance

How to weigh up priorities to find peace and harmony.



Draw a pie chart and section off the areas of your life: work, home, play, family, relaxation, meditation/exercise. Create a chart of how much time you’d like to give these areas. How unbalanced are these two versions?


The Miracle Morning Hal Elrod – Transform Your Day in 6 Minutes

The Miracle Morning Hal Elrod – Transform Your Day in 6 Minutes

The Miracle Morning Hal Elrod – Transform Your Day in as Little as 6 Minutes

Sick of rolling out of bed day after day…serial snoozing your alarm and feeling overwhelmed, stressed and scattered all day long?

Want to live your best life not just exist?

Here’s a fantastic framework for doing just that called SAVERS by Hal Elrod, author of Morning Miracles.

“Love the life you have while you create the life of your dreams. Don’t think you have to choose one over the other.” “Remember, the moment you accept total responsibility for everything in your life is the moment you claim the power to change anything in your life.” – Hal Elrod

1. S for Silence – Instead of hitting the snooze button, then rushing through the day stressed and overwhelmed, invest time just sitting in purposeful silence. As you sit in silence, you relax your body, quieten your mind and allow your stress to melt away. Developing a deeper sense of clarity, purpose and direction.

It could be a prayer of gratitude and appreciation, listening to a meditation app for 10 minutes, breathing deeply and centering yourself with feet on the floor for 2 minutes.


2. A for Affirmations – Affirm with emotion & feeling statements to remind you of your unlimited potential, your most important goals and the actions that are required today to achieve them. Reminding yourself of how capable you are motivates you. Touching on which actions you must take, re-energises you to focus on doing what’s necessary today to move you towards where you desire.
This may be “How can I lovingly improve on the greatness that already exists?”, “Life is happening for me not to me”, “I am gratitude. I am courage”. Find one that sits right with you then develop and add to it over time.


3. V for Visualisation – Now close your eyes and visualise what it will look like and feel like when you reach your goals or desires. Seeing your ideal vision increases your belief that it’s possible and your desire to make it a reality. Your brain does not know the difference.


4. E for Exercise – Move your body to increase the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain. This could be as little as 5 minutes or ideally 20-30 minutes. The aim is to raise your heart rate, generate energy, alertness and focus.

I personally stretch for 5 minutes each morning, then get my heart rate up by jogging, skipping, pilates, strength training either arms, abs, butt/legs for a total of 20-30 minutes. Do what suits your body.


5. R for Reading – Listen, read or watch something inspiring that helps you learn a new idea or concept that you can incorporate into the day to improve your relationships, mindset or work. This can take just 5 minutes or 1 page. Youtube can be wonderful here.

Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Brene Brown, Tony Robbins, Shaun Achor…….and so so many more.


6. S for Scribing – Write in your journal 3 things you are grateful for, 1 thing you are proud about yourself and top 1-3 things you are committed to creating that day. By doing this you create clarity and motivation that you need to take action.


Start today.

How would you feel if this is how you started the beginning of each day.

How would the quality of your day & your life improve?

Make it a must and watch your life soar and your dreams come to fruition.

Start with as little as 1 minute for each of these steps. I personally wrap it all into my hour of power each morning.

Taking 30 minutes for exercise & 10-20 mins for silent meditation, the rest in few minute blocks. The Miracle Morning Hal Elrod

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