Happiness is the latest buzz word. How’s your happiness barometer going? I’m back with Secrets To Happiness #2. Any burning questions from Secrets To Happiness #1? Didn’t see it? Click here. Next week is final secret in the series.
Secret To Happiness #2: “A happy life exists not in the absence but mastery of hardships.” – Helen Keller
We all have the right to be happy, we just have to go out and find it ourselves.
Happiness is a way rather than a destination. Helping you reach goals faster, enjoy better relationships, do better at work and be nicer to be around.
Our happiness set point is individual and keeps defaulting back regardless of our circumstances. 50% of our happiness set point is derived from your genes, 40% from intentional activity to feel happier and 10% from your circumstances, health and social status.
Variety is one of the secret spices to happiness, as is nature.
Did you know you lose your happiness and pleasure chemical, dopamine if you forget to seek out new experiences?
Don’t forget our brain is like a muscle. Being in flow is fantastic for brain health and happiness. That is being present, forgetting your problems and enjoying the journey of life. Studies have shown those in flow on a regular basis are happier.
Integrating and accepting all parts of your life, the good and the bad is healing. You become grounded, centred, connected and grateful for who you are.
Adversity is good. Your recovery muscles develop and you bounce back to baseline quicker.
“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.” – Helen Keller
Interestingly, we are taught unconsciously in society that money solves our problems.
Did you know that once our basic needs are met, more money does not dramatically increase your happiness. There’s minimal difference between happiness levels of those earning $50K year to $5 million.
Happy people have things in common –
- Close supportive family and friends
- Value intrinsic goals such as personal growth, making their community a better place, close connective relationships, aligned values.
- Less emphasis on extrinsic goals, such as money, status, image.
- Foster interdependence with others and natural environment
- Practice laughter, compassion and gratitude often.
Did you know Denmark is the happiest country in the world? Free education and medical, co-housing communities where twenty families can live together, sharing cooking, meals. Children are surrounded by elders and there is a real sense of belonging.
Happy people function better, they’re more productive and live longer.
Research has found Islanders in Japan live the longest, where there are rituals of regular contact and gatherings between different villages and generations. Social bonding, interaction, collaboration, sense of community and belonging are highly valued. Did you know co-operation causes a huge release of dopamine (your happiness neurotransmitter)?
As Helen Keller says see with our hearts.
Joy also comes from connection with others.
Be authentic to you. Happiness is a skill and the formula is not the same for everyone.
Things you love to do are the building blocks of a happy life – new experiences, play, fun, friends and family, doing things that are meaningful, appreciating what we have.
So, go out there and blaze your path of happiness.
“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.” – Helen Keller
Keep smiling,
J xx