Naturopathy Diet – How To Minimise Chemical Exposure

The vast increase in chemical exposure associated with modern lifestyles has greatly outpaced our knowledge of their consequences. More research is greatly needed.

After all the issues raised by ‘the 10 Toxic Truths‘, how can we truly know how damaging our individual or family chemical load is or will be. The best option is to adopt the precautionary principle and avoid exposure wherever possible.

We also need to put pressure on governments and companies to reduce the number of chemicals in the environment.

On a dietary level, eating less non-organic animal products is a good start, as animals tend to accumulate persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in their fat.

Eating organic food with no plastic packaging to reduce many non-persistent pollutants such as organophosphate pesticides (OP), such as glyphosate (Roundup). Urinary glyphosate levels are significantly less in healthy people and people who eat organic food compared to chronically diseased people (Kruger 2014).

Positive actions we can take to rid ourselves and the environment of toxic chemicals – Naturopathy Diet

  • Eat unpackaged, seasonal local organic whole foods (SLOW) wherever possible.
  • Avoid plastics, even BPA-free because of unknown toxicity of replacements.
  • Avoid personal care and household products that contain petrochemicals and artificial additives.
  • Grow your own organic food – remember to test your soil for chemicals before you start.
  • Support your body’s elimination channels by ensuring regular exercise, sweating and a healthy liver and kidney function.
  • Maximise your nutritional status with organic vegetables, turmeric and other great herbal helpers.
  • Filter your water.
  • Understand the problem and raise awareness.

I hope this Naturopathy Diet helped to give you some ideas on how to reclaim your health and the health of your family.

naturopathic diet works to prevent illness, increase energy and improve overall health. It relies on food as close to its natural state as possible. This means eating foods that do not contain artificial ingredients and are free of chemical preservatives and additives. – LIVESTRONG


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