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Connection is something we all desire: Feeling seen, known, and deeply bonded with another person is what life is all about. Love can be the sweetest experience there is.

Yet attracting great love into our lives is a struggle for many. It feels so far away, yet we crave it so badly.

The reason we struggle is simple: If we’re not embodying love, we won’t attract it.

Reality is created from the inside out. Your relationships mirror your feelings about yourself, your beliefs about relationships, and how much love you embody.

When you truly become love, love has no choice but to appear in front of you in all forms (including an incredible partnership).

Here are eight steps that will transform your internal experience of love so you can attract the greatest love of your life. Become love within, and it will have no choice but to come to you.

1. Examine and identify your barriers to love.

A universal challenge is attracting love. This is because we all hold onto barriers to love. Beliefs that tell you that you can’t have the love you want are the basis of most of these barriers. On the up side, they’re easy to overcome — as long as you know what they are.

Ask yourself this question to discover your personal blocks to love: “What makes me doubt that I can have a great relationship?” The answer will show you exactly what beliefs you need to let go of, in order to transform your experience in love.

So let’s get started on attracting the type of relationship you really want by identifying and letting go of your limiting beliefs.


2. Forgive and let go of your past.

An internal “clean slate” is essential to creating a new experience in love. That means letting go of the pain you’ve experienced in past relationships and forgiving those who have hurt you.

What’s inside you, creates your reality. Resentments you cling to will be reflected in your life and relationships until you let them go.

Letting go of resentment means cultivating compassion for the human experience.

We’ve all hurt others and we’ve all been hurt in the past. This hurt stems from the wounds we carry within ourselves.

We find compassion for the wounds of others, as we heal our own wounds. This is how forgiveness takes place and we create a new reality in love.


3. Find love within yourself.

Everything you create starts within. You must first become great love if you want to create great love.

It is easier than you’d think. Love, acceptance, connection, and bliss are all energies that come from within. Getting quiet and listening to yourself, following your breath, focusing on the energy near your heart, and setting the intention to connect to your truth are all ways you can find inner love.

You give love a chance to surface when you dive deeply into yourself. You will attract much more love into your life once you tap into love and grow from it.


4. Treat yourself the way you want to be treated.

Your perception and treatment of yourself to you will be reflected by other people. Create an incredible partnership with yourself and you will attract an incredible partner.

Love yourself, listen to yourself, honour yourself, cherish yourself … whatever that means to you. By knowing how incredible and worthy you truly are, you will invite partners who see and experience you as incredible and worthy, too.


5. Get clear about the type of relationship you desire.

This is the cornerstone of attracting great love.

Ask yourself what your ideal relationship looks and feels like. Clarity gives you power. Do you want a life by design or by default?

The answers will help you create a map of your desires and show you what energies to cultivate in your life.


6. Trust. Let this process unfold naturally.

The formula is simple. You create what you are. Now combine this with the divine orchestration of life and the magic unfolds.

This, as we all know, is not easy to do.

That’s because we’re scared that love won’t come, and that we won’t get what we want. We like to be in control. We like to be the orchestrators.

We can’t attract love when we’re trying to control the process, since it stems from fear. We can only attract love from love. That’s why we have to trust, let go, and allow the process to unfold naturally.

If you find yourself trying to control the outcome, just continue with the steps above. Cultivate love from within and know that as you embody the essence of love, it has no choice but to come to you.


7. Cultivate that experience of love within.

The energy you emit determines the people and experiences you attract. Cultivate the energetic qualities you want to attract from within.

That process looks like this:

If you want to feel deeply adored by a partner, start by imagining and cultivating the experience of being deeply adored by yourself. What does being adored feel like? Familiarize yourself with the experience on an internal level, and similar experiences will be called to you externally.


8. Let love lead the way.

Love is always your guide. Love is the light that shines from within and creates beauty everywhere you look.

Become the love that you already are — feel it, listen to it, and let it guide you. Love, after all, is the only thing that truly knows the way.


Please leave a comment telling us what you’re going to do to become love so you can attract an incredible relationship into your life.