Stress Symptoms Checklist – 7 Signs You Are Over-Stressed

Stress Symptoms Checklist - Profile of a tired businesswoman sitting on a chair isolated on a white background

 Sometimes we can become so chronically stressed that we’re not even aware how out of balance our lives have become. Often we hear about people who were given a dire wake-up call in the form of a major health issue, a breakdown or a crisis.

It doesn’t need to come to that. Pay attention to the Stress Symptoms Checklist below to notice when you’re becoming overstressed, and take the necessary steps to simplify your life.

1. You no longer care what you are putting into your body. This is number one on our Stress Symptoms Checklist for a reason!

You’re super busy and stressed and the first thing to go is good eating habits. But when this goes on for too long, your well-being starts to suffer and your stress only increases — making you less able to cope with life’s demands. Healthy mindful eating needs to be a priority for sustained wellbeing. Inhaling food on the run, in front of the TV or with worries on your mind hinders your ability to be connected with your body and means you will be much more likely to overeat, suffer from indigestion or eat lifeless foods that don’t support your vitality.

2. You can’t remember the last time you did something nice for yourself.

Well, can you? A long walk on the beach, candlelit bath, got a massage or just spent the whole weekend resting and relaxing? Slowing down and taking time for yourself is not lazy or selfish, but essential to recharge your batteries so that you can be your best you.

3. Your phone has become an extension of your body.

The Internet and social media, of course, have their merits, but unfortunately are highly addictive. Do you find yourself compulsively checking Facebook or Twitter as soon as you’ve woken up? Or scrolling through newsfeeds whenever you have a spare moment? This hungry search for information and instant gratification is wiring us to constantly look outside of ourselves. This obsession with virtual connectivity has led to a deep disconnection to ourselves and the world around us.

4. You are having trouble sleeping.

Difficulty staying asleep, falling asleep or waking unrefreshed are all indicative of an over-primed nervous system. If you’ve noticed that your sleep has become less than ideal, it is time to pay attention to what your body is telling you and take action to address the stressors in your life.

5. You suffer from frequent infections or chronic health issues.

Poor immunity and chronic health problems are another message from your body that something needs to change in your life. As well as consulting with a health professional and improving your diet, take some quiet time alone and mentally ask your body what it needs from you. Using your non-dominant hand to journal the answers will help you to tap into the wisdom of your subconscious mind, and you may be surprised with what comes out.

6. You are consumed with chasing external goals.

Most people have been conditioned to seek happiness outside of themselves, whether that’s through attaining enough money, having the right relationship, looking good or advancing in their careers. If you rarely allow yourself time to watch a sunset, slowly sip a cup of tea, reach out to the people you love or just allow yourself and your life to be enough, in this moment, then you’re going too fast and robbing yourself of what life is truly about.

7. You can’t remember the last time you had a good cry.

Emotions are a normal part of everyday life, provided they’re acknowledged, felt or expressed. When you’re constantly on the run and out of touch with your inner life, you probably suppress or ignore your feelings. This can lead to chronic low-grade anxiety or depression.

When you slow down a little, you’re able to tune into how you’re really feeling and give your feelings an outlet — whether that means having a good cry, punching pillows, journaling or speaking up about certain issues in your relationships.

Once you have acknowledged these signs, the next step is to take action steps to rebalance. To know without doing is such a waste of your time and energy.

The symptoms of stress and changes with your body that you may notice include:

  • headaches
  • other aches and pains
  • sleep disturbance
  • fatigue
  • upset stomach, diarrhea
  • high blood pressure
  • weakened immune system
  • muscle tension
  • change in sex drive (male or female)

Health Direct



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